It's always so difficult to explain the effects of SAD, because it's not depression, it's not anxiety, it's not the chills, it's not illness, it's not sensitivity--but it *is* all of those. Dysthymia with a purpose.
2018 is over! It was a bad year, and I'm glad that it's gone. The move is done, the trips are done, the holidays done, the medical and dental work done, and thank you--thank you--California for the last two weeks of sunny, 60*+ weather!
What's coming up? I'm going to reassess all of my current projects, and will refine a publishing schedule ASAP--when I know, you will know!
Also on the website/socials will come my 2019 New Year Resolutions a month late, and some small pieces that I toyed with unsuccessfully in the past three months.
Thank you for your patience and a special thank you to readers who contacted me to inquire about my health! :]